Welcome to IEEE CAMAD 2012

The International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) provides a forum for discussion of recent developments on analytical and simulation tools and techniques for the performance evaluation of communications systems. It was launched in 1986, being held every 2 years until 2006, often in cooperation with flagship IEEE Communication Society conferences (Int. Conference on Communications - ICC, Global Telecommunication Conference - GLOBECOM). Since 2006, the workshop has been held once every year motivated by the ever increasing interest in this hot research and development field with last venues organized in Trento (CAMAD‘06) and Pisa (CAMAD‘09) as a stand-alone events, in conjunction with IEEE PIMRC 2007 in Athens, Greece (CAMAD‘07) and co-located with the ICC 2008 in Beijing, China. From 2009, CAMAD is an IEEE Communications Society portfolio event.

IEEE CAMAD 2012 will be held as a stand-alone event on September 17-19, 2012, in Barcelona.

The focus of CAMAD this year will be on Energy Efficient Future Internet Networks and it is intended to cover a plethora of algorithms and protocols of different layers from cooperative network coded and cognitive techniques to lightweight security mechanisms which fulfill the required QoS and QoE.


Especially this year, CAMAD will host special tracks on Smart Grids, Social Networks and Future Service Oriented Internet.

CAMAD will be co-located with several closely related workshops, and special sessions and will bring together scientists, engineers, manufacturers and service providers to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results surrounding all aspects on energy saving and the solutions adopted to envisage an environmentally friendly internet of the future. In addition to contributed papers, the meeting will also include keynotes speeches, panel sessions, and a demo session.


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard.Jorswieck, T. U. Dresden.

"When Energy Efficiency in Communication Counts – 3 Scenarios and Tools".

Mr. Bonilha Gabriel, Telefónica/O2.

"Telefónica Global Energy Efficiency Initiative".

Dr. Konstantina (Dina) Papagiannaki, Telefónica I+D.

"WiFi: Beyond Offloading".


Dr. Orestis Georgiou, 3Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden

"Full connectivity in spatially confined random networks".




Important Dates      


June 8, 2012


Notification of acceptance:

July 15, 2012


Submission of camera-ready papers:

August 15, 2012


Author Registration Deadline:



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