CAMAD 2012 - Call for Special Sessions
The CAMAD 2012 technical program will include special sessions. Their objective is to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest gravitating on interdisciplinary research, including (but not limited to) the following topics:
Modelling and Simulation techniques for Integrated Communication Systems
Modelling, analysis and design of Network Services and Systems
Modelling analysis and design of Wireless, Mobile, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
Cloud Computing and Network Communications modelling and design
Smart Grids Communications Modelling and Design
Design of Satellite Networks
Integration of Terrestrial and Satellite Networks
Seamless Integration of Wireless, Cellular and Broadcasting Networks with Internet
Body area networks and applications
Wireless over Fibre networks
Traffic Engineering and Analysis
Traffic Modelling
Positioning in communication systems"
Simulation techniques for large-scale Networks
Simulation and Fast Simulation Techniques for Communication Networks
Network Monitoring and Measurements
Network Optimization and Resource Provisioning
Next Generation Internet
Overlay and Virtual Networks
Autonomic Communication Systems and self-organized networks
Energy Efficient Network Techniques
Green Wireless Communications
Cognitive Radio: Communications, Networking, Architectures and Business Opportunities
Internet of Things
Machine-to-Machine communications
Cross-Layer & Cross-System Protocol Design
Quality of Experience: Framework, Evaluation and Challenges
Test beds and real life experimentation
Validation of Simulation Models with Measurements
Autonomous embedded architectures.
Bio-inspired techniques and meta-heuristics for signal processing and communications.
Social Networks
Future Service Oriented Internet
Prospective organizers of special sessions should submit proposals indicating:
Title of the session
Description of the event and relevance to the CAMAD 2012 workshop scope; motivation and rationale; scope and main topics to be covered; intended schedule, and; prior history of the proposed session (if applicable).
Short biography of the organizers
Intended audience
Each special session will consist of a minimum of 5 papers and a maximum of 8. The organizers' role is to attract the speakers and chair the session itself.
Interested contributors should forward their proposal form (containing at least the points indicated above) to the Special Sessions Chairs of CAMAD 2012 [Dr. Javier Del Ser,, and Mr. Elias Tragos,] with the subject line “[CAMAD 2010] Special session (name of proposal)”.
Acceptance of the received proposals will be decided and notified in a continuous fashion (i.e. 1-2 working days after receiving the proposal).
No proposals will be accepted beyond April 1st, 2012.
Authors of papers included in successful proposals should submit a manuscript on or before May 1st, 2012. Manuscripts should conform to the formatting and electronic submission guidelines of regular CAMAD 2012 papers. They will undergo the same review process as regular papers by at least 3 independent reviewers.